US: Hydrofarm and CEA Advisors enter into strategic alliance

Hydrofarm and CEA Advisors enter into strategic alliance.
Glenn Behrman on left and Chris Mayer on right

“Hydrofarm Holdings Group, Inc. has entered into an exclusive strategic alliance with CEA Advisors to accelerate their expansion into the growing and evolving CEA space for both food and non-food production.

Hydrofarm’s Innovative Growers Equipment (IGE) commercial division will serve as the North American manufacturing and marketing hub for Growtainers and Growracks. IGE’s Sycamore, Illinois, facility combines manufacturing, research and development, and warehouse space serving the global market.

‘We are excited about our relationship with Glenn Behrman and CEA Advisors. It will bring great enhancements to the creative solutions and support we provide to the CEA market,’ said Chris Mayer, SVP and Head of Hydrofarm Commercial. ‘Our priority is to be one of the most important global providers of CEA products and services. We believe that the CEA industry has tremendous potential, and we are very excited to have a 50-year veteran of the global horticulture industry on our team.’

‘Working with the Hydrofarm team, IGE, and Chris Mayer is a dream come true for a company like CEA Advisors,’ said Glenn. ‘I’m convinced that collaboration is the key to success in today’s challenging economic environment. We strongly believe that in CEA, there is a great opportunity for new farmers globally, and that is why our first initiative will be the design and distribution of an affordable entry-level Growtainer. The beginning CEA farmer can learn and experience this type of production with minimal investment and then move on to other more sophisticated systems that are available.’”

Thank you: Vertical Farming Daily